I have the opportunity to acquire either a Sonnar 250 or a 250 Superachromat. Both are CF versions: the Sonnar is a user lens in good condition; the Superachromat is in truly mint condition. I can trade-across a lightly used 150 CFi for the Sonnar 250; to similarly trade for the Superachromat will set me back an additional $2200 U.S.
I am well aware that the Sonnar 250 isn't a slouch of a lens. Whichever I go with, I intend to use a 1.4XE teleconverter to extend the lens to 350 mm. on the odd occasion, and maximizing sharpness is a concern as I intend to eventually produce poster size prints once I can afford a MF scanner and an Epson 9800. Correspondingly, would images created using a Superachromat stand-up noticeably better than those created using a 250 Sonnar (all else being equal)?
As to why I am considering trading a relatively new 150 CFi? My principle subject matter is close-in landscapes, and the 150 is generally too short for what I wish to accomplish at times. Using the teleconverter provides the equivalent of a 210, and that works reasonably well most of the time; but in other instances a 350 mm. focal length would be ideal. Given that I also have a 100 mm., replacing the 150 with a 250 would result in a fairly versatile economical kit that provides focal lengths of 100, 140, 250, and 350 mm. As such, trading in the 150 for a 250 isn't all that bad of a deal.
In general 75% of my work is shot using a 50 FLE or SWC/M; the 100 covers roughly 20%, and telephotos cover the remaining 5%. I don't forsee this ratio changing much once I have a 250: as such, does the potential quality provided by the Superachromat warrant the additional $2200; or would the 250 Sonnar be quite sufficient?
I am well aware that the Sonnar 250 isn't a slouch of a lens. Whichever I go with, I intend to use a 1.4XE teleconverter to extend the lens to 350 mm. on the odd occasion, and maximizing sharpness is a concern as I intend to eventually produce poster size prints once I can afford a MF scanner and an Epson 9800. Correspondingly, would images created using a Superachromat stand-up noticeably better than those created using a 250 Sonnar (all else being equal)?
As to why I am considering trading a relatively new 150 CFi? My principle subject matter is close-in landscapes, and the 150 is generally too short for what I wish to accomplish at times. Using the teleconverter provides the equivalent of a 210, and that works reasonably well most of the time; but in other instances a 350 mm. focal length would be ideal. Given that I also have a 100 mm., replacing the 150 with a 250 would result in a fairly versatile economical kit that provides focal lengths of 100, 140, 250, and 350 mm. As such, trading in the 150 for a 250 isn't all that bad of a deal.
In general 75% of my work is shot using a 50 FLE or SWC/M; the 100 covers roughly 20%, and telephotos cover the remaining 5%. I don't forsee this ratio changing much once I have a 250: as such, does the potential quality provided by the Superachromat warrant the additional $2200; or would the 250 Sonnar be quite sufficient?