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CFV workflow and CFV/EL


New Member
I'm thinking about getting a used CFV for my 500C/M and EL. A few questions:
1. If I want to use DNG files, do I need to use FlexColor first or can the CFV save to DNG?
2. From the Hasselblad website, it says that a battery adapter is required for portable EL use. What is this adapter? Is it for the EL or for the CFV.
3. Cosmetics aside and ignoring Capature 1 vs FlexColor, is there anything that would favor a Phase One P20 over a CFV?

I'm thinking about getting a used CFV for my 500C/M and EL. A few questions:
1. If I want to use DNG files, do I need to use FlexColor first or can the CFV save to DNG?
2. From the Hasselblad website, it says that a battery adapter is required for portable EL use. What is this adapter? Is it for the EL or for the CFV.
3. Cosmetics aside and ignoring Capature 1 vs FlexColor, is there anything that would favor a Phase One P20 over a CFV?


On 2. I think you need that one for the battery of the CFV because the motorhousing of the EL is interfering with the normal location of the battery.

You need to use Phocus or Flexcolor to process the CFV files for best results. Apple Aperture does support the CFV native file format but in my opinion, does not do as good a job as Phocus. I have C1 v4.01 and it does not recognize the native CFV file format which is the only output for the back.

Yes, you will need the angle battery adapter for use with the EL or SWC as the motor (tripod foot for SWC) is right where the battery mounts.
Thanks for those replies. I probably going to buy a used CFV so I'll have to make sure that the battery adapter is in the box. Too bad about no native DNG. Oh, well one more program to learn.
