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CFV Shutdown


My CFV back has started to shut-down. It´s not due to bad battery, or configurations, it just started to happen all of a sudden.

It comes randomly, from 3sec to 1 minute.

Has anybody experienced this ?

Make shure you are on the latest firmware level for the first .
Try to use an other battery , just to make shure , its not the battery .
Are there any indications before shut down ? ? ?

Its been work 100% since i got it 4 months ago. Its just started to shut-down all of a sudden.

I have 2 batteries, none of them work.

After it shuts-down, its tries to start up again, but the lamp turns orange, then after the lamp blinks red a few times.
Its really weird.
Puuuuuhhhhhhh . . . . .

This seems to be a case for HASSELBLAD service then .
Where do you live ? ? ?
I've been in contact with my dealer in Atlanta, they're going to look into it.

I live in Oslo.

I reckon I've to send it straight to Denmark, which is a real bummer, because I'm missing out on a lot of work when I'm sending it.

My CFV back has started to shut-down. It´s not due to bad battery, or configurations, it just started to happen all of a sudden.

It comes randomly, from 3sec to 1 minute.

Has anybody experienced this ?

If you "jiggle" the battery does it happen? I had the same problem and it was caused by one of the "gold" battery pins on the CFV coming loose.

I reckon I've to send it straight to Denmark, which is a real bummer, because I'm missing out on a lot of work when I'm sending it.

Better make an inquiry where the CFV has to go for repairs.
As far as I know all repairs are done in Sweden.
Do not go the Jürgen route. Nothing to do with Jürgen.
When his CFV back gave problems he send it to Hasselblad Germany, they send it to Denmark,
Hasselblad Denmark then had to send it to Sweden.
This kind of never ending story makes a repair job take 2 months......

Better make an inquiry where the CFV has to go for repairs.
As far as I know all repairs are done in Sweden.
Do not go the Jürgen route. Nothing to do with Jürgen.
When his CFV back gave problems he send it to Hasselblad Germany, they send it to Denmark,
Hasselblad Denmark then had to send it to Sweden.
This kind of never ending story makes a repair job take 2 months......


Surprising, now that there is even a bridge between Denmark & Sweden :)

It's the golden pins I'm on about, I think one of those are causing the shut-down. Since one of them is loose.

I reckon my seller in Atlanta will ask me to ship it to Denmark for repairs, the big question in this case as well is How long it is going to take.

Check the Hasselblad website

Go to your country's Hasselblad website and go to Support. You can contact them through there and they can help you with a fix remotely or if needed, write up a repair order (at least this is how it works in the US).

If you "jiggle" the battery does it happen? I had the same problem and it was caused by one of the "gold" battery pins on the CFV coming loose .

I have just checked my CFV Back for loose pins .
Both pins are slightly loose but seem to be well positioned in the housing .
No broken plastic can be seen or any other damage .

Did you have to send your back to HASSELBLAD for this issue ? ? ?

Regards Jürgen

Does that loose pin get pushed into the CFV housing when you insert the battery (very carefully now) ? ? ? Is the plastic broken ? ? ?

I have two types of batteries and I just measured the diameter of the
golden "contact hole" .
On one battery the diameter is exactly 2,5mm .
On the other battery it is 2,35mm and 2,4 mm . That would mean a better contact .
If your loose pin does not get pushed into the housing of the back , you could try to use a very small watchmaker screwdriver and "pry" the contacts of the back , very carefully of course , to give a better contact .
As far as I understand , you will have to send your CFV back to HASSELBLAD anyway .
So , why not trying to get a safer contact between battery and CFV back , at least then you could work with your back on the weekend and then send it for service .
"Does that loose pin get pushed into the CFV housing when you insert the battery (very carefully now) ? ? ? Is the plastic broken ? ? ?"
If he has the same problem that I do, the pin comes out of the back...the actual electrical connection is small and fragile.

Yes Steve

The whole electrical contact area is very fragile . I do hope , that I will not run into the same issue .
I really do insert the battery very carefully every time . I think that is about all you can do .
Did you get your pins replaced by HASSELBLAD ? ? ? and if so , what was the cost ? ? ?

"Does that loose pin get pushed into the CFV housing when you insert the battery (very carefully now) ? ? ? Is the plastic broken ? ? ?"
If he has the same problem that I do, the pin comes out of the back...the actual electrical connection is small and fragile.


Anybody care to post a picture of these contacts?
