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CFV II battery life


New Member
Just wondering how long is the typical life of the standard battery that comes with the CFV II under normal conditions, such as shooting indoors etc. Does it just stop working or is there some sort of battery status indicator that pops up? I could not see in the manual anything that gives you the status of the battery. I have a backup anyway, but was just wondering. Thanks.
I've only run my battery down once so I can't be sure quite how much life I got from it, but it was a decent amount of time, many hours. When the battery is getting low though you do get a LOW BATTERY indication on the display, at least on my CFV 1 you do. It's a pity there isn't a continuous battery life feature. I guess this could be fixed in a firmware upgrade.

I always keep my batteries topped up, this isn't a problem with Lithium.
There is an indication to let you know , that your battery is not far from depletion .
It is a soundsignal , a little recurring ( every 30 seconds ? ? ?) beep .

I could not find anything in the users guide either .
Battery life CFV back

It is good practice to change the battery well before it shows signs of being depleted.
I agree with you. No reason to start a project without a fully charged battery. It just seems odd that there is no status indicator somewhere. Just wanted to know since I'm new to the system. Thanks for everyone's input.
There is an indication to let you know , that your battery is not far from depletion .
It is a soundsignal , a little recurring ( every 30 seconds ? ? ?) beep .

I could not find anything in the users guide either .

Once that beep occurs, how much more exposures can you then still make?


I have no idea how many images can still be taken after that little bird starts to beep .
The last time I came to this situation , I am very shure , it were more than 20 images I took thereafter and then I replaced the battery .
Might be , you can take many more . When I shoot with my CFV , I have always four fully loaded batteries with me . So I will not run into trouble here .
Just as a funny addition to that , and I am sure it happened to many of us before . I once forgot a battery but also once forgot to have a CF card with me . But we all learn from our failures .
As soon as I forget to have my head with me , I will give up . Promised .:z04_2171: