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CFV + 16 GB Memory Flash Card


New Member
Just checked:
The Scan Disk Extreme III Compact Flash Card 16 GB (30MB/s)
works great with the CVF. Capacity 493 pictures.

Just checked:
The Scan Disk Extreme III Compact Flash Card 16 GB (30MB/s)
works great with the CVF. Capacity 493 pictures.


The Hasselblad Image Bank-II is the top dog in this regard ... fastest capture available for up to 4000 shots : -)
35 pictures per minute allow you to push the buton for 2 houres no stop.

I think that to stop 20 seconds to change CF card every 10 minutes will not kill competition.

BTW 400 pictures with a Hasselblad V in hands is allready a lot.

I suspect that nowaday an array of cards is less expensive than a images bank
35 pictures per minute allow you to push the buton for 2 houres no stop.

I think that to stop 20 seconds to change CF card every 10 minutes will not kill competition.

BTW 400 pictures with a Hasselblad V in hands is allready a lot.

I suspect that nowaday an array of cards is less expensive than a images bank

The Image Bank allows shots to be done to a CF, AND the IB as back-up .... not bad for those once in a lifetime shots ... and it works with all CF and HD cameras ... so you can shoot with multiple cameras.

Plus, IF you own an H2D or H3D camera, you can't use the back on a technical camera remotely without the Image Bank because there is no way to power the back.

It has it's uses.
Just checked:
The Scan Disk Extreme III Compact Flash Card 16 GB (30MB/s)
works great with the CVF. Capacity 493 pictures.


I use the 16GB card and noticed that if you use the older firmware version 233 you can actually get 663 images per card. As soon as i upgraded to the newest firmware version the card capacity dropped to 493. Therefore, I switched back to version 233.
I use the 16GB card and noticed that if you use the older firmware version 233 you can actually get 663 images per card. As soon as i upgraded to the newest firmware version the card capacity dropped to 493. Therefore, I switched back to version 233.

Have heard - not sure - that they algorithm to calculate the ammount of remaining pictures was changed to a more conservative way. Finally the
ammount of remaining pics is the same ! (to be verified...)
