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CF card replacement for CF/CFV digital back


Well-Known Member
I have looked up the CFV manual and also Ernst Wildi's newest manual , but could not find an answer for the following question .

When you want to replace the CF card in your digital back , assume the card is full , do you have to power down the CF/CFV back ? ? ?
Up to now , I always powered down the back , but I wonder if this is neccessary or not , because it is much faster and easier , just to replace the CF card .
Will I loose image data and/or formatting data when I do not power down the back ? ? ?

Which proceedure do you use ? ? :confused:
When you want to replace the CF card in your digital back , assume the card is full , do you have to power down the CF/CFV back ? ? ?

Which proceedure do you use ? ? :confused:

Although CF cards by virtue of their electrical design allow swaps while powered I myself would never swap them "live". Simply because I would not want to risk any pending write operations to corrupt the card's contents. Strictly speaking there should not be pending writes once the last captured image has been flushed from the buffer RAM in the back to the CF card but...

Which proceedure do you use ? ? :confused:

I've never switched the power off to change a card on my CFV. Never knew it was a wise thing to do albeit that I wouldn't remove it whilst it was recording.
The switch on/off procedure is cumbersome with the CFV, so I'm hoping it's not a requirement.

I have now swapped the CF card a couple of times with power switched on .
I did not experience any image data loss nor any other problem .
The same is valid , when I insert or remove the CF card holding the image data , using a little card reader .