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CATASTROPHE! Please help!


just when my kit was performing amazingly well, focus spot on, smooth, beautiful sound, etc. The Camera got dropped (don't ask :S) and something broke, it seems to be part of the lens fitting (on the body), here are some shots to illustrate the problem,

I am still able to fit lenses and they seem to work, although they don't slide-in smoothly as before, but they do lock. I just want some advice from you guys, is it an urgent repair? will it be problematic/expensive? it seems to me that is a replaceable part.

Any other side effects that I should be aware of?



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but this is a major problem. Replacing the front of the Hasselblad interior chassis is a major repair that requires a well equipped and competent Hasselblad mechanic. Under normal circumstances this is a total loss where repair cost exceeds the price of a good secondhand body. Maybe you can get advice from somebody on this forum about a skilled repairmen. And you need to have the lens tested too.

well, thanks for your reply, I still have some hope...

the worst thing is that I just serviced the body in September....
I am revising the problem and apparently the broken part is used as a guide and is also the one and only thing that holds and supports the weight of the lens when mounted (there are 4, from which 2 are broken in my case, both in the left side of the body)...

What could happen if I carry using the camera like this? because at the moment it still works
CS foto

I can not help you , but i would like to let you know , that you are not alone .
I got a HASSELBLAD camera today , carried by GLS and the contents , an SWA , is dameged and can not be repaired . It is a loss for the collectors , not only for me .

I am revising the problem and apparently the broken part is used as a guide and is also the one and only thing that holds and supports the weight of the lens when mounted (there are 4, from which 2 are broken in my case, both in the left side of the body)...

What could happen if I carry using the camera like this? because at the moment it still works

Well.. the actual light-tight box might be warped. You need special tools to measure if that is the case. Aligning / repairing damage like that is a specialist job (and $$..)

The parts that appear to be broken are screwed-on bits, replacing those should not be too much of a problem (are the screws broken as well is the question).

See also


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Forum moderator.
First aid

I happen to know a good Hasselblad technician who occasionaly does jobs for me and a few friends.

Like Ulrik said it may be more economical to replace the 500CM body.
It does not hurt to have it inspected though especially since it was serviced recently. That does not cost an arm and a leg.

You can contact me pm if you need the help of a quallified technician.
The lens should be checked as well.

Beside damage to the lens mounting the body could be misaligned due to the forces exerted in the fall. That will lead to oof images.
Alignment is someting for a well equipped repair shop.
Measuring tools and jigs are needed to do this job correctly.

Jürgen will send me detailed pictures of his SWA camera.
If there is the slightest chance of saving this camera I will do my utmost to do that.
There are not that many SWA cameras around.

CS foto

I can not help you , but i would like to let you know , that you are not alone .
I got a HASSELBLAD camera today , carried by GLS and the contents , an SWA , is dameged and can not be repaired . It is a loss for the collectors , not only for me .


That is a big shame.... I understand one of my favourite photographers, Lee Friedlander used that camera for his mid-career work. lovely..