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Carl zeiss zoom lenses??


New Member

I have been searching around the WWW for information on Telephoto Zoom Lenses made by Carl Zeiss. I have not been successful in locating a site where all the varieties of the CZ lenses are listed. I went over to the Carl Zeiss site and found very little in the way of lenses for the 500 series bodies and none in the Zoom categories. As a last resort I even looked over ebay for this but came up short. Can someone direct me to a location on the WWW where I may be able to locate this information? Maybe it's possible that CZ did not build many if any at all... Conjecture on my part though..



The Variogon was the only lens made for 500 serie. However it was buid by Schneider.
An othen zoom lens for Hasselblad V (2000 and 200 series) was the 60-120mm made by fujifilm.
No zomm lens made by Zeiss for Hasselblad.
Carl Zeiss has built quite a range of zoom lenses but none of them were meant for Hasselblad.

There are two zoom lenses for Hasselblad:

The early one made for the 500 series and a special "F" one without shutter for the 2000/200 series. Focal lenth is 140-280 mm.
The one for the 500 series was launched as a "C" lens with Compur shutter.
Later this Variogon lens got the Prontor shutter as a CF model.
The CF lens can be fixed to a tripod. The "C" lens needs an after market clamp for that.
These lenses were made by Schneider in Kreuznach, Germany.

The second lens was the 60-120 designed for the 200 series with data bus for transmission of lens settings to the camera.
This lens was built in Japan for Hasselblad by Kyocera.
It has the reputation of being one of the best zoom lenses ever built.

The large 140-280 is also an extremely good lens.
In spite of its bulk it can be used handheld, after some training that is :)
Telephoto Zoom Lenses made by Carl Zeiss. I have a Variogon . This is for the 2000FC camera, and does not have leaf shutter
Have a look at my site
I have also some info on this lens in the shape of the booklet for it.

I dont know wheteher it would fit your CZ .
Kind Regards,


Prototype CZ Zoom

There was a prototype specialized macrozoom made by CZ for the Hasselblad that was shown at a Photokina in the late 60's. Never produced.