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Can't attach lens or back.


New Member
I've tried everything... the lens is cocked but it just won't go on. Same problem with both lenses. (500C/M)

Also I can't attach the back either.

AND I also can't turn the crank :(

Up untill this evening the system worked flawlessly.
Hello Hadrian.

Welcome at hasselbladinfo forum!

It is not a nice occasion since you have problems with your camera.
Of course you can expect help from forum readers but please give some more information about your camera and lenses.

Are you sure the body is cocked?.
Without lens or film back attached release the shutter and cock the boidy again.
After that try to fit a lens but make sure the lens is cocked as well.
That shows by the position of the slot in the shaft.
That slot should be parallel with the surround of the lens.
With a tripped lens th slot has an angle with the surround.

Is the darkslide fitted to the filmback and is it in as far as it can go?

Show us some images. That may be a good way to help you.

Hello Hadrian.

Welcome at hasselbladinfo forum!

It is not a nice occasion since you have problems with your camera.
Of course you can expect help from forum readers but please give some more information about your camera and lenses.

Are you sure the body is cocked?.
Without lens or film back attached release the shutter and cock the boidy again.
After that try to fit a lens but make sure the lens is cocked as well.
That shows by the position of the slot in the shaft.
That slot should be parallel with the surround of the lens.
With a tripped lens th slot has an angle with the surround.

Is the darkslide fitted to the filmback and is it in as far as it can go?

Show us some images. That may be a good way to help you.


Hi Paul thanks for the reply. I've tried all of the above, nothing seems to work. It looks like the body is jammed, I'll take it for repairs. :,(
I thought the price was quite cheap. However, I gave them an 80mm lens as well because the shutter was intermittently sticking and the slow speeds were too slow, they quoted my $350.
It is difficult to comment on repairs because it is not completely clear what service and or parts are involved.
350 AUS $ is about 200 euro.
If the job involves just CLA that is not such a friendly price.

It is what I would expect from official Hasselblad service centers like Kennedy in Australia.
It is difficult to comment on repairs because it is not completely clear what service and or parts are involved.
350 AUS $ is about 200 euro.
If the job involves just CLA that is not such a friendly price.

It is what I would expect from official Hasselblad service centers like Kennedy in Australia.

I'm using Camera Clinic in Collingwood, the service is very good. I will pick it up tomorrow morning hopefully.