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Dark grey trimmings on the V... That is starting to look like NASA style Hasselblads ;-)

Quite nice to my eyes I must say.

Re: retro & old skool..

It is a bit like with old Jaguar cars: technically often clunkers, unreliable etc. But wow.. are they nice to see...

QG, if you are insane, then so am I. I totally agree. I was being ironic that the 'retro' term could have been worse.

Hence my opinion of the V-series as design classic, but the H-series (or X-series) maybe not so, although I take Marc's point entirely about function, which should be a large part of design.

Marc, again great points...however, it think it is the 'video game controller' on the right side that is the 'problem', although presumably it is precisely the thing that makes the camera so usable for you. What elevates one toaster to design classic and versus another that is just something to burn bread??

That all said, I don't MIND the aesthetics of the H-series though and realise a lot of buttons and so on needed to be included.

I would provide a willing home to any spare H3D lying about! It is just harder to lust after it a la V-series, Leica M-series, the best Zuiko lenses, Rover Thomas paintings or whatever.

Wilko, correct, but not everything 'old' is a clunker, of course. Look at Hasselblads, forks (they haven't changed much in centuries, with the notable exception of the wonderful Splayd) or crocodiles for that matter. The operative word is 'classic' to me.

Nick (fondler of both organic and inorganic things)
To be on the safe side with my 503CWD , Made enough cock ups lately.

I have taken all the machanical gogs and gears out of the back and am now usuing the back on my cwd as a carry around. false back. Just in case I drop it or it;s snatched.

The 503CWD body is a 503cw with special logo and chrome parts and a signature.

I do not understand why they did not put electrical wire like the ELD.
And whay they do not add wire for the 203FE convetion like the ELD.