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Cable Release - revisited

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There are very many different brands available on the market .
Therefore it is very difficult to say which one , which brand .
It also depends on , where you live , because some brands might not be stocked at your dealers site .
My advice is to get a cable release with a length of 50cm and a locking mechanism .
Thanks for the response... but I would deeply appreciate any suggestion of brand/model... it would be extremely helpful as I have absolutely no idea. I live in the UK so can access most UK on-line camera shops.


Calumet 20" de luxe cable release . Number #BR5122 . 19.55 Bpounds .
Thanks for the response... but I would deeply appreciate any suggestion of brand/model... it would be extremely helpful as I have absolutely no idea. I live in the UK so can access most UK on-line camera shops.


Hi, Paul - if you have a Linhof dealer there, take a look at any length of their cable releases. Bulletproof construction, machined parts, very nice.
Yes , the LINHOF cable release is "bullet proof" . I have one myself .
I visited the LINHOF homepge , but could not find a cable release in their program any more . (did I not look properly ? ? ?)
Some dealers still might have some in stock . Just search with : "linhof cable release" .
Yes , the LINHOF cable release is "bullet proof" . I have one myself .
I visited the LINHOF homepge , but could not find a cable release in their program any more . (did I not look properly ? ? ?)
Some dealers still might have some in stock . Just search with : "linhof cable release" .

I ordered mine from B&H in NYC - they list them in 13-1/2", 17", 21" and 30" lengths, and the 17" and 30" lengths show "in-stock." Hope this helps.
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