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Best tripod accesories for the xpan


New Member
Hi friends, last week i bought a manfrotto 682b monopod for my xpan.
Which are the best accesories for the camera?
What is the Quick-Coupling Plate for XPan Camera?
Many thanks and sorry for my english
I use a Manfrotto 3263QR Ball Head which comes with a quick-release bracket (200PL-14) that accepts their 3157N plate (mounted to the XPan). This system provides a secure platform for the camera, and doesn't wiegh very much, so it might be a good match for your monopod. I had originally purchased this head for use with my old Nikon FE, which worked great, but I was worried that it might not be stong enough for the Xpan due to it's increased wieght and offset tripod mount. But, so far so good - the quick release seems to hang on to the Xpan just fine.
I'd be curious to hear what other Xpan users have been using...

PS. Here's a link the Manfrotto's site showing the Head.
I use a Gitzo G1128 Mk2, Acratech UltimateBallhead and the Really Right Stuff B49-L plate. Great combination.