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Any thoughts on the H1 210mm Lens

HC 210mm question

I just joined this forum because of my interest in exactly this issue. Unfortunately there is no reply till now on your request. Did you get this 210mm lens in the meantime? And if so, would you please be so kind to share your experience? I am planning to purchase either a 150 or the 210 and need a little kick in one or the other direction. Thank you. Best regards, Udo
I am having the HC 210 , it is a great Lens (for portrait !) but I have never tried the 150
HC 210 mm


I just joined the forum, so not really sure if this has relevant any more. Today shouting with a H3DII-39. I have the 210 mm and it is a fantastic lens, sharpness is truly phenomenal i must say. One week in Tuscany 500 exposures and about 225 with the 210 mm (rest between 28, 50, 80 and 120 MKII). I can only highly recommend this lens.

My past experince is with Hasselblad 203FE (40, 50, 80, 120, 150, 250) and Canon 5DMKII + 1DMKIV with a lot of L Lenses.

Still the 210 fare in the top of all - go for it and you'll never look back!

Kind regards,
Michael Molter
I have just seen this thread. I have the HC 210 and it is a fine lens. I use it mainly for surfing and birding )when I can get close).

Some shots below and you can see some more at my RedBubble surf gallery. If you list them by Recent using the red arrow top right the top 4 rows (20 images) are with the 210.


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