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80mm lens slow shutter


New Member
Hello all, wonder if you can help.

I have just taken delivery of my first Hasselblad, a humble 500c with 80mm Carl Zeiss lens. All is not well though, as the lens' shutter sticks below 30th of a second. at 1 second the timer buzzes in short bursts for a good few seconds.

Is this a job for a service team?

If so, is there one in London I can send it to or does it have to go off to its home country?

Any help most gratefuly received!
Hello Sam,

Welcome here at the forum but please do not describe the 500C as humble.
The 500C is the first of a long series of 500 cameras that were the basis for the succes of Victor Hasselblads camera factory.
The 500C was also the first MF camera in space thanks to Walter Schirra, astronout and photographer.
He suggested a Hasselblad camera to NASA as he owned one and got excellent results.
The first NASA camera was a 500C bought in a camera store in Houston.
That camera was "modified" by NASA and converted into a point and shoot model.
Conversion consisted of a removal of the mirror with mechanism including the auxilary shutter.
It is all history now but it was the 500C and the excellent pictures it brought back to earth that established a long lasting relationship between NASA and Hasselblad in Sweden.

Walter Schirra and Hasselblad.jpg Famous footprint.jpg

Walter Schirra (R) and Hasselblad. Famous foot print

Free Hasselblads!.jpg

Hasselblads for free!

Bodies and lenses were not taken back, they were left at the moon.
These highly collectable items are free to collect.
You only need to find a way to travel to the moon and back.

Original photos and Swedish text from press release.
Part of my Hasselblad collection.

Older C lenses like to be treated nicely.
They deserve and appreciate some fresh lubicants every 3-5 years .
John Dellera of JD Camtech in London knows what needs to be done.
He does not rip you off, his work is excellent:

If you report lens and body number I may be able to tell you some more about your camera.



  • Walter Schirra and Hasselblad.jpg
    Walter Schirra and Hasselblad.jpg
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  • Famous footprint.jpg
    Famous footprint.jpg
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  • Free Hasselblads!.jpg
    Free Hasselblads!.jpg
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Thank you

Thank you guys! Will check him out.

I did not mean at all to belittle the 500C, I have used them for years but have only just been able to afford my own as I am a cash strapped student.

Thanks again for the help, I will post the serial numbers when I get home as it sounds very interesting.
Hello Sam,

I knew what you had in mind with "humble 500C"
Fact is we know that camera for so Long and have come to appreciate its successor a bit more because of the ability to change screens.

How often a user changes a screen is another matter.
I guess once the user has found the screen he or she likes it stays there.

That brings me to the possibility to upgrade a 500C with a later Acute Matte screen if that suits the owner better.
A good tech can remove the frame from an AM and install the view parts in a 500C body making it a more attractive body with brighter screen.

Hello Sam,

I knew what you had in mind with "humble 500C"
Fact is we know that camera for so Long and have come to appreciate its successor a bit more because of the ability to change screens.

How often a user changes a screen is another matter.
I guess once the user has found the screen he or she likes it stays there.

That brings me to the possibility to upgrade a 500C with a later Acute Matte screen if that suits the owner better.
A good tech can remove the frame from an AM and install the view parts in a 500C body making it a more attractive body with brighter screen.


You just need a brave-enough tech who is willing to remove the metal frame. Breaking an AM is an expensive undertaking.

Other than that, no issue.
