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800 & 1600 asa for H3DII 39 & 31


Has anyone updatet their firmaware? I hven't. Is there any samples awailable? I'm using H3D 39. The current hihest ISO (400) is so poor quality that I don't think theres a reason to load a new firmware with even higher ISO.

br Valtteri
Firmware News - R249

Firmware News.

New firmware version R249 available for H3DII-31, H3DII-39, H3D-31, H3D-39, H2D-39, CFII-39, CFH-39, CF-39 and 503CWDx sensor units.

Extra ISO step for Hasselblad digital cameras
With new advances of the noise reduction facilities in our camera firmware and Phocus software, we are proud to release extended ISO capabilities on the following products:
- ISO 800 on H2D-39, H3D-39, H3DII-39, CFH-39, CF-39, CFII-39
- ISO 1600 on H3D-31, H3DII-31

For our H3DII-50 camera the extra ISO step, as well as other new features is expected to be released within the coming month.
We do not expect our noise reduction efforts to increase the ISO on older generation sensors (16Mpix and 22Mpix). Customers with these products are referred to use the EV tool of Phocus offering extra sensitivity.
This firmware update is intended for Phocus users only and can be downloaded via Phocus version 1.1 Mac, 1.0.2 Windows or later versions. For a complete list of fixes and added features, please see the read-me file.
To visit the firmware download area directly from this message, click this link: Firmware Download

Kind Regards
Product Management
Thanks Paul

I have now successfully installed R249 for my CFV .
As you mentioned , the ISO setting for the 16MP backs is not increased .

I wish that Hasselblad do create firmwares that can be installed by FlexColor instead of Phocus.

Hi Professional

Flexcolor has had the ability to upgrade firmware to the digital magazine and H bodies since 2005. Moving forward, Hasselblad's Phocus will be the primary RAW converter software and has included the ability to manually update the firmware in both the digital magazine and H bodies using Phocus 1.1 Mac and 1.0.2 PC.

Also we now post firmware updates to our website.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
I have now successfully installed R249 for my CFV .
As you mentioned , the ISO setting for the 16MP backs is not increased .


What has the installation achieved on the CFV ?

The 800 iso upgrade for the CFV with improved 400 iso performance, has been promised for over two years by Hasselblad staff. Presume the above comments means it's not going to happen.

Or, am I reading this wrong?

What has the installation achieved on the CFV ?
The 800 iso upgrade for the CFV with improved 400 iso performance, has been promised for over two years by Hasselblad staff. Presume the above comments means it's not going to happen.
Or, am I reading this wrong?


I don't know what it has achieved .
I do all firmware updates regulary , as soon as they are available .
That keeps me up to date . BTW , it was my first upgrade through PHOCUS , and it is different to FLEXCOLOR . Just a new experience .

Hi Professional

Flexcolor has had the ability to upgrade firmware to the digital magazine and H bodies since 2005. Moving forward, Hasselblad's Phocus will be the primary RAW converter software and has included the ability to manually update the firmware in both the digital magazine and H bodies using Phocus 1.1 Mac and 1.0.2 PC.

Also we now post firmware updates to our website.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA

I am using OSX 10.4 so i can't use Phocus at all until i upgrade my OS but this will not happen any soon, and how i can upgrade firmware by Flexcolor?
I upgraded it today. Way better!!


Has anyone updatet their firmaware? I hven't. Is there any samples awailable? I'm using H3D 39. The current hihest ISO (400) is so poor quality that I don't think theres a reason to load a new firmware with even higher ISO.

br Valtteri
I had upgraded R248 which was ISO boost, not sure why the quick R249 but I have upgraded that one as well. Noise is lower now at 800 than it was before at 400. First time i shot at 400 i was tempted to throw this $$$$$ up against the wall. Noise is still too high, (My D3 at 1600 has less noise than the H3DII 39 at 400) but better than before.

Keep at it Hasselblad, I appreciate the improvements!!!
I just tested ISO 400 and 800 in good light conditions and would rate them usable if needed. It did look like it woulddget a lot worse in bag light conditions as high iso tend to do and when hihgh iso is needed.
Just upgraded to R249. Noise is quite loud at 1600, but nothing that Neat Image can't handle nicely. Daft question, can we have an update for the H3D11 31 to ISO 50? Far more use..if you ask me.


Firmware News.

New firmware version R249 available for H3DII-31, H3DII-39, H3D-31, H3D-39, H2D-39, CFII-39, CFH-39, CF-39 and 503CWDx sensor units.

Extra ISO step for Hasselblad digital cameras
With new advances of the noise reduction facilities in our camera firmware and Phocus software, we are proud to release extended ISO capabilities on the following products:
- ISO 800 on H2D-39, H3D-39, H3DII-39, CFH-39, CF-39, CFII-39
- ISO 1600 on H3D-31, H3DII-31

For our H3DII-50 camera the extra ISO step, as well as other new features is expected to be released within the coming month.
We do not expect our noise reduction efforts to increase the ISO on older generation sensors (16Mpix and 22Mpix). Customers with these products are referred to use the EV tool of Phocus offering extra sensitivity.
This firmware update is intended for Phocus users only and can be downloaded via Phocus version 1.1 Mac, 1.0.2 Windows or later versions. For a complete list of fixes and added features, please see the read-me file.
To visit the firmware download area directly from this message, click this link: Firmware Download

Kind Regards
Product Management

What about H3dII-22?
" Installation:

This firmware update is intended for Phocus users only and can be downloaded via Phocus version 1.1 Mac, 1.0.2 Windows or later. Updating via FlexColor is not possible.

For FlexColor users, updating via Phocus is the only option. Please be aware that as FlexColor stores firmware within each software version, FlexColor will at reconnect of the camera ask you if you wish to download an older firmware. Please cancel click all messages regarding this, otherwise FlexColor will downgrade your camera firmware! Please note that this message will appear each time FlexColor starts! "

No way, i can't upgrade with flexColor then.
Just upgraded to R249. Noise is quite loud at 1600, but nothing that Neat Image can't handle nicely. Daft question, can we have an update for the H3D11 31 to ISO 50? Far more use..if you ask me.




The native ISO is 100 for the 31mp. Hasselblad has had more request for a + 1 stop increase in ISO and none to my knowledge (other then yours) for a decrease from 100 to 50.


The native ISO is 100 for the 31mp. Hasselblad has had more request for a + 1 stop increase in ISO and none to my knowledge (other then yours) for a decrease from 100 to 50.


The question is of course whether going down to 50 ASA will improve image quality.

It will not improve image quality but it will enable larger apertures and or slower shutter speeds.
That is why lower ISO is often wanted.