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6x6 digital film back? - why not?

I remember reading in a Kodak magazine (yes in the old days Kodak published a number of magazines for the pro trade) about fifteen years ago that Kodak had developed a 1 MP sensor. There were three in existence and the Navy had purchased two of them at a cost of $90,000 each. Kodak thought 1 mp was about the limit at that time. Look where we are today, 1mp, that's a good laugh now and at $90K. I guess if you worked at it you could spend $90 on a complete system with a IQ180 back, body and every lens in the Phase system.

If we can have 60 and 80 mp sensors that are full frame then it's no big deal to have a 50mp 6x6 full frame. I think the manufacturers just need to know there's a demand. The problem is all new cameras are 645 and only older existing cameras are 6x6.

Funny how trends change. I've been shooting professionally for forty four years. If we weren't shooting 4x5 or 8x10 our go to camera was a Hasselblad 500c. 6x6 was the standard for decades and now the trend is 645. I think 645 became popular due to the assumption everyone made prints and 645 fit the 8x10 paper better than 6x6. For those of us in the advertising world 6x6 gave a little additional image for art directors to crop but often our images were used square. I still love 6x6 and guess it's because I've shot a hundred thousand or so rolls of 120 in 6x6 format and probably a couple of hundred in 645. It's all in what you're used to looking at and working with. Times change though and we move on.
I love my P20 back (on H2) as it is square - well almost, 4086 x 4088 - I just wish it was the full 6 x 6 cm. I'd have one like a shot.
Most likely, the casing to hold a 6x6 sensor will be bigger that the internal dimension of the present Hasselblad V backs.
6x6 digital back

I was always surprised that someone did not take a Dicomed Big Shot (the only FULL FRAME 6x6 digital back, though tethered) and put the sensor into a Kodak DCS ProBack (Plus), or Phase One P20(+), or Hasselblad/Imacon CFV(II). These are all 16 MPix backs (Dicomed, Kodak, Phase One, and Hasselbad) and the electronics could easily be adapted, and the software should be very similar (there may be some tuning of the ADC's, or it may be as simple as kludging the ISO on the existing backs).
I am afraid that the bay which holds the sensor and the connections will be bigger than the size of the cross section of a Hasselblad V camera back.