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64 seconds on H3D


There are one or two years Hasselblad said that the exposure time in the series H3D will be possible up to 64 seconds with a new firmware
... and no news since

Do you know something about it ?
There are one or two years Hasselblad said that the exposure time in the series H3D will be possible up to 64 seconds with a new firmware
... and no news since

Do you know something about it ?

More important to me is pumping up the ISO a stop ... no word on that either... very irritating since I got my H3D-II/31 partly based on this promise.

I don't care about it as much on my H3D-II/39 since that back resides on a Rollie view camera in the studio 98% of the time.
I am more interested by 25 or 50 ISO than 800 or 1600 but of course it will be fine too

The H3D-II/39 is ISO 50.

I tend to use the H3D-II/31 for environmental fashion, portraits and wedding work so the higher ISO would be more useful to me ... mostly for using ISO 800 which hopefully would be even better once the 31 goes to ISO 1600.

Different strokes for different folks.
I use 200 ISO at night and 50 or 100 all the rest of the time

Rarely i use ISO200 for night if i use tripod, but i understand as long you shoot outdoors, and even with my Canon i never use ISO over 100 for nightshots unless i don't have tripod at all and/or i can't use a flash.
I think that I use ISO 200 only because of the batteries at night they die after 8 or 10 shots :)