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50mm Distagon which one

Calumet as Paul mentioned is a reputable dealership, have known them for years when they were KJP and have an account. The lens sounds a bargain though I do have a soft spot for the older lenses because they are just as good.

I do not like the plastic on the new lens or that the sync cable surround is likely to snap off if accidently pulled by mistake without pushing the sync cable button. I would have recommended the older C T* lenses which are all metal and a fraction of the price though it is noted that they are becoming relatively expensive as they are in demand.

I jumped into the Ebay thing only a couple of weeks ago, with careful research into sellers and the positive feedback indicator most of the users are responsible individuals. Have purchased recently a chrome 500CM body, which has just been re shelled by Hasselblad because the inside workings were excellent. A 40/4 Distagon C lens, which is in excellent condition with lens hood, beautiful on the camera and at half the recommended price that is advertised, without the hood, in a well known used equipment dealer in Croyden.

Pistol grips and extension tubes are also purchased at bargain prices and in excellent condition. There have been two occasions out of the five purchases where the item did not meet the description but in both cases it was a matter of price reduction or full refund, without any problems.

So good luck on Ebay and all the best with your lens, best wishes, Carl
Thank you all !

The lens has managed only one outing so far but keeps on telling me it needs urgent exercise - so I guess I need a scanner to show you the results...............................

best wishes all
