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50mm 2.8 FE lens


New Member
The lens has slight movemnt in the barrel I would characterize it as extremely slight. The lens has been used with good results, however, the issue of the barrel movement is driving me slightly nuts. Please note as stated to date the lens has perforemed as it should. Would you be concerned about the movement in the barrel and send to Hasselblad for an overhaul or just keep using and not concern myself with this issue.
I had a similar problem with my 50mm F not FE but F lens. In the end the aperture stop functioning. It was an easy and cheap fix with my repairman who charged no more than 130Euro something. The older 50 F lenses I understand do need a fix from time to time. Weakness is barrel - aperture - correct me if I'm wrong - someone!!! However, its a fantastic lens.


The lens has slight movemnt in the barrel I would characterize it as extremely slight. The lens has been used with good results, however, the issue of the barrel movement is driving me slightly nuts. Please note as stated to date the lens has perforemed as it should. Would you be concerned about the movement in the barrel and send to Hasselblad for an overhaul or just keep using and not concern myself with this issue.

I have not seen the insides of a F50, but I once had a similar problem with my C50. Simpel fix: 3 screws hold the barrel mounted onto a central flange(?) that also holds the shutter. Tighten the screws: fixed. 10 minutes work tops.

With a bit of luck your F50 problem is of comparable complexity.

How do you get into the lens to see if these screws exist? Also, Paul, what would a picture show you. The movement is in the barrel there is nothing out of the ordinary as to how the lens looks.
FE lenses are constructed quite differently than the "C" lens Wilko mentioned.
As long as you keep us in the dark which of the two possible versions you have
it is useless to guess what may cause the problem.

These FE lenses are best left to a qualified and experienced technician.
Bad news is neither Hasselblad nor Carl Zeiss have parts for these lenses.
The good news is I know somebody who has all parts.......