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503cw with Nikon sb800 flash


New Member
Hi all,
I have this nikon sb800 flash that I used to shoot wih 35mm cameras.
And I am trying to find out how to connect this flash to 503cw.
Could anybody tell me what kind of connector I need and how to use it?
Thanks and kind regards,
> kye, the PME45 on my 503CW has a hot shoe... i use this with the D-Flash 40. Same should apply I guess. Antony

The PME45 only has a "cold" shoe.


You will need a separate hot shoe with cable terminal. There are several brands selling these. Plus a cable to connect shoe to lens.
And something to put that shoe on: a prism finder, or the L-grip/Flashgun Bracket, which have a "cold" shoe.
> Q.G. is quite correct, it is infact a "Cold" shoe, and requires the SCA390 for connecting to the 500 series cameras with TTL/OTF flash metering system. Hasselblads code for this item is 3051681. Antony.

Instead of adding another space/connection between the cold shoe and the flash, why not simply use a PC cord? It will require a Male-Male, as opposed to a M-F, but they are readily available. I'm sure it will be cheaper and, given the fragility of any PC cord/device, cheaper and more compact to have a spare if you feel the need.

Best regards,
Hi every body.
Stan Johnson (Stan) wrote: Why not simply use a PC cord? It will require a Male-Male, as opposed to a M-F, but they are readily available. I'm sure it will be cheaper and, given the fragility of any PC cord/device, cheaper and more compact to have a spare if you feel the need.
Stan(others also), are you sure the flash cerciut or elecrtical cercuit in the camera will not be harmed??? M-F wiring are easely available, but I could not find M-M connection.
Thanks any way.