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503CW upgrade of ASAIso dial


Just for those who like me have one of the older 503CW cameras, I thought you may be interested to know that Hasselblad UK can upgrade the Flash Iso dial from the older ASA1000 limit to the newer ASA3200 one for a total of £200. I dont think this is too bad and certainly a cheeper option than swapping the whole body. It really gives a much greater control over fill flash.

> I wonder if one can do something similar with the 553ELX? The ASA > dial on mine only goes to 800ASA.
I can not really see why not because it is only a circuit board that is being replaced. There is no actual alteration to the metering. I am sure it is possible. It is just a matter of how much it will cost and how long it will take. Its certainly worth a phone call!!
Richard wrote:

">I can not really see why not because it is only a circuit board that >is being replaced. There is no actual alteration to the metering. I am >sure it is possible. It is just a matter of how much it will cost and >how long it will take. Its certainly worth a phone call!!"

It certainly is worth of a phone call. On the other hand I would suppose that limiting sensitivity selection of cameras TTL metering has not only been stupidity of the guys at Göteborg factory. Does anyone know what other alterations where mad to cameras at the time of altering film speed selection disc? Maybe different light measuring cell? Meybe different measuring electronics?

Kerkko k.