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501cm or 503cw

Thanks Marc.

Rudy, great stuff and many thanks for sharing - it's that sharing that has made this a great forum.

I found your "test" of great interest. As yet I've had no compelling reason to add digital to my kit.
It should be noted that the MF digital backs have a greater tonal spread than a D2H would deliver. I'd also say that the additional dynamic range of MF films aren't needed as often as one would expect. Not all scenes provide a wide contrast range.

Anyone with a Hasselblad 500 system should consider the eventual addition of a digital back IMO. It assures the long term viability of their system ... 16 bit digital MF backs are quite good and should be considered for their immediacy and the creative experimentation they tend to promote.
Robert, with digital I only use RAW. That's the way to go.;)

Simon, you are absolutely right, thanks.

Marc, It was not my intention to make either format bad. IMO, there are assignments where one uses digital and others where one uses film. I can imagine that the digital backs have a wider dynamic range, I have not tried one yet. But as I said, it is in regard to positive material, which includes digital and slide film. When I take pictures with slides I have to be especially careful with those highlights. And just to prevent a misunderstanding, I did not want to open a Digital vs. Film debate.;) As said before, it depends what you are going to do. When I take my bird images I most certainly use my Nikon Digital equipment.
