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501CM and speedlight

I have read the article here, but I did no understand completely.

I tried first time to use flash with my 501 CM and 4/150mm Sonnar T* lens.
I realized if I set up the flash (Nikon SB-800) to manual mode and set the shutter speed for 1sec. than I got the flash let say "longer" flashed.
My second test was with the speed 1/60 (the same aperture) and I got clearly shorter flash.

I thought, that I get from lens every time the same flash result when the 501CM has not the TTL metering.

I am really at the start so sorry for that stupid question, but I would like to try to use it properly.
I have read the article here, but I did no understand completely.

I tried first time to use flash with my 501 CM and 4/150mm Sonnar T* lens.
I realized if I set up the flash (Nikon SB-800) to manual mode and set the shutter speed for 1sec. than I got the flash let say "longer" flashed.
My second test was with the speed 1/60 (the same aperture) and I got clearly shorter flash.

I thought, that I get from lens every time the same flash result when the 501CM has not the TTL metering.

I am really at the start so sorry for that stupid question, but I would like to try to use it properly.

I use my SB 800 on my 503 and use the "A" fine.

thanks vandevantersh

AFAIK the model has TTL metering.
My question is about using flash with HB models they have not TTL metering.
thanks vandevantersh

AFAIK the model has TTL metering.
My question is about using flash with HB models they have not TTL metering.

The TTL is not used with the SB 800. The connection cable goes from the lens to the SB 800; the SB 800 is set to the "A" mode and the flash unit does the flash corrections. (It is time for an expert to respond..maybe I am not doing it correctly either.)
Yes I see vandevantersch.
I tried it now but the behavior was strange.
I set up the SB 800 to the manual mode and for cable connection.

I made the connection with my exposure meter and got the flash over the cable.
It was OK.
Than I connected the lens //Sonnar 150/f4 T*// with SB 800 and tried to trigger flash.
I got the flash one time over the cable and than no flash.
AFAIK I did not changet setting of SB 800.
So I think there is someth. wrong.

I use HAMA cable - my friend lent me it.
Triggering of flash with the exposure meter is without problems, but connected to the lens works not properly.
What shoud I do?


The TTL is not used with the SB 800. The connection cable goes from the lens to the SB 800; the SB 800 is set to the "A" mode and the flash unit does the flash corrections. (It is time for an expert to respond..maybe I am not doing it correctly either.)
Odd behavior. I just tried the SB 800 with an 80mm and 180mm using both M and A modes. It worked without problems. Check the cable, the central pin should be even with the top of the outer ring at each end. I had to modify a cable to work properly. The only other thought is to try another lens.

Thank you for the tip, I will try it in the next days.
I have only one lens so, I will see.

Odd behavior. I just tried the SB 800 with an 80mm and 180mm using both M and A modes. It worked without problems. Check the cable, the central pin should be even with the top of the outer ring at each end. I had to modify a cable to work properly. The only other thought is to try another lens.

Thanks Steve it work if I push on the end of cable by the lens side.
So as you mentioned - the outer ring was the problem - I need to fix it.

Many thanks again for yor advice.


Odd behavior. I just tried the SB 800 with an 80mm and 180mm using both M and A modes. It worked without problems. Check the cable, the central pin should be even with the top of the outer ring at each end. I had to modify a cable to work properly. The only other thought is to try another lens.
