ZEISS SUPER IKONTA (you have a collection ? ? ) if so . . . great .
I did a couple of searches in internet for that camera . Wonderful ! !
As you already know , i mainly use , but also collect HASSELBLAD .
If you collect photographic gear , you must concentrate to one make . If you don't , you are lost after a very short time .
And i go only for the best . Better nothing , than bad , all must be fully functional , and in very good "cosmetic condition" .
Now , back to the BRONICA RF645 , just one sentence : I love it , its handyness and low weight , and the results are great .
But the mainpoint for me , to buy that camera , was , that i use the same film than in my HASSELBLAD gear , same process , same darkroom equipment , and also scanner . In other words , i did not have to change my "workflow" .
Simon , you mentioned , you would possibly come to ITALY this year . I would take the chance and meet you there . would be nice .