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500C 500CM


New Member
I've recently aquired 2 500 type cameras, the 500C and the 500 C/M. Both came with C T* lenses, and both appear to work correctly.. My question pertains to what looks like a flash sync plug on the 500 C that doesn't appear on the C/M. ???? Is it a flash sync and what speed on the lens would I use to sync with a Mets CT60 type flash? Thanks, 8) Jeff.

500 C and 500 EL cameras that were made before 1976 were equipped with a sync socket on the camera body, next to the cable hook opening. This socket should only be used when the camera is used without a lens, as in photomicrography. This socket fires the flash when the auxiliary shutters are fully open.

When using the camera with a lens, you must plug you flash cord into the sync terminal on the lens for proper synchronization of the flash and the shutter in the lens.

If you were to plug your flash cord into the sync socket on the camera, the flash would fire before the shutter in the lens was fully open.

Electronic flashes can be used on all shutter speeds with your camera.

David S. Odess

Factory trained Hasselblad technician

All non-TTL Hasselblad requires to plug the cord to the lens. For the TTL ones (eg 503 series), another cord is to be plugged onto the left side on body and adjust the ISO settings.


Your statement is misleading, as the non-TTL 2000 series Hasselblad bodies have the flash-sync port on the body, which sync down to 1/90 s.

Perhaps its easiest to remember that the PC-terminal on the body (no matter what series, what camera is used) is linked to the shutter in the body.
The PC terminal on the lens is (guess... ;-)) linked to the shutter in the lens.

So what good is that knowledge?
Not much unless you also know that the shutter in the body opens before (!!!) a shutter in a lens does.

So when using "body-sync" (i.e. with the cable inserted into the PC-terminal on the body. Remember, linked to the shutter in the body) and shutterless lenses, the flash will be fired when the film is exposed completely.
No matter what camera is used.

However, when using shutters in lenses, the body shutter will be (must be) fully open before (!!!) the lens shutter begins to open. (the body shutter will act as blind, shielding the film during compsoing, only).
The flash connected to the "body-sync" will fire while the lens shutter is still closed.
No good.
And again, this will happen no matter what camera you are using.

So body-sync only when there is no shutter in the lens.
I pretty much figured that and it explains why it doesn't look to have been used much (quite dirty though the camera is clean). I also have the 553 ELX that I purchased the SCA 390 for but have yet to try that all out.. (I do understand that the flash sync is still on the lens with that camera and the body connection is only to light the light inside the viewfinder.) I am aware of the on lens sync and it's why I like leaf shutters. I can't tell you how many photos have been ruined to inadvertant wrong settings on focal plane shutter cameras.. Thanks for the info.. (See my thread in the 553elx discussion to help me id my film backs..) 8) Jeff.

The "body connection" onthe ELX is not just to light up the led in the viewfinder.

It first and foremost serves to hook up the sensor inside the body to the electronics inside the flash that use that sensor to measure light.

Without it, there is no TTL/OTF flash metering.

The ready light in the viewfinder is only a very minor (though useful) part of this.

You are correct about your "body-sync" shutter order comment for most situations, but for a 2000/200 series body with a C lens at 'B' or a CF lens at 'F', in which case the lens shutter opens (or remains open) before the body (focal plane) shutter fires. Your statement is correct if you said for 500 series cameras, and/or used the term auxiliary shutter for body shutter. Since the discussion is about the 500, then you are correct for that series.


With a CF lens set to F, there is no (!) shutter in the lens. The shutter in the lens does not (!) open. It simply does nothing.

With a C lens, set to B, on a focal plane body?
Again, one could say that you're not using a shutter in the lens. ;-)

Here's where the difference between "normal" and C-mode of the focal plane bodies comes into play. In normal mode, the focal plane shutter fires a bit later than in C-mode. It, in effect, waits until the shutter in C-lenses has gotten out of the way.
You're just not using the shutter in the lens...

So i don't see how what i said is incorrect in any way, even when talking about focal plane shutter cameras. It does hold for all (!) series.
Q.G. I did know there was more to it than just a ready light.. The SCA adapters are pretty pricey and in my opinion, not worth the price Just to illuminate the light. Thanks again.. 8) Jeff.