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48 x 48?

From Hassy Newsletter:

" We're also announcing the launch of an even larger sensor product
> for 2009. Come by the Hasselblad booth and we'll gladly tell you more!"

48 x 48? I doubt it, but speculation is fun!!! My guess..a 60mp of some sort.

From Hassy Newsletter:

" We're also announcing the launch of an even larger sensor product
> for 2009. Come by the Hasselblad booth and we'll gladly tell you more!"

48 x 48? I doubt it, but speculation is fun!!! My guess..a 60mp of some sort.


It a true 645 sized sensor like the P-65+ ... Hasselblad is slow to get to it compared to Phase One ... fueling speculation that there is something more coming from the sensor makers that's a bit better. A gamble on Hasselblad's part.
CFV III with 48X48 @ $ 16,000 usd
It's so nice to dream!


From Hassy Newsletter:

" We're also announcing the launch of an even larger sensor product
> for 2009. Come by the Hasselblad booth and we'll gladly tell you more!"

48 x 48? I doubt it, but speculation is fun!!! My guess..a 60mp of some sort.

I am pretty sure it will be a 55 x 40. I wonder if it will be a "me too" 60mp or will they have something new to add to the existing 60s.
