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440 FLE v 440 IF

Robert - If you have been following this thread, you know I had some significant issues with the 40mm CF using a CF adapter/H2. I've had none of those issues with the IF. I shoot mainly landscapes and so far the distortion does not seem to be a problem. There are not too many straight lines in landscapes. Whatever problems I may have in the future should be readilly correctable by cropping (as you say) or in the excellent lens distoration filter found in CS3.

I use a Phase One DB. My "biggest" concern right now is where Hasselblad is going with future HC lenses. As you probably know, the HC 28mm requries a Hasselblad DB as part of an integrated system. There has been talk of one or more future HC tilt/shift lenses that may have the same restrictions. There are many of us who would like to have the tilt/shift capability (to some degree) of large format. Regards - Martin