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35mm Equivalent Lens Conversion


New Member
I read that the (35mm equivalent) conversion factor for the H4D 60MB back is 0.65 x HC lens size in mm
For example a HC 28mm lens would be = 0.65 x 28 = 18.2mm

Then I read that the (35mm equivalent) conversion factor for the HTS 1.5 is 1.5 x the HC lens size in mm (adjusted for back size)

The question is:

Is it true that a HC 28mm lens on a H4D-60 with HTS 1.5 attached would be equivalent to a = 0.65 x 28 x 1.5 = 27.3mm (35mm equivalent)?
It does depend on the size of the sensor. There is a Focal Length Equivalent Calculator on the Pahse One site here.

It is an Excel spreadsheet so you can copy it to your computer so you always have it.