New Member
I've just bought the H3D39mk2 and I can't get consistently sharp focus on my 210 lens. I'm using mirror up on a sturdy tripod, no wobbling floors, static subject, careful focus, etc but in a sequence of several shots, even at the same settings, maybe only one will be sharp. I'm pressing the shutter release VERY carefully with the pod locked tight (Manfrotto 055) so I don't think I'm getting vibration. The 28 under identical conditions is tack sharp evey time. So it's either how I'm using the 210 or it's a bad s&le.Any one else had a similar problem? I'm waiting for the 50-110 zoom to arrive so will test that also. (Should add that I might post this also on another Hassy forum but not on LL where the usual mob will descend screaming "Hass is crap!")