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203FE Upgrade


I'm thinking that I might upgrade my 503CW to a 203FE. I'll be using it with a CFV back. Does anyone know currently how much the data connector upgrade costs and how long it takes? I'm in the UK.
I'm thinking that I might upgrade my 503CW to a 203FE. I'll be using it with a CFV back. Does anyone know currently how much the data connector upgrade costs and how long it takes? I'm in the UK.

Do you mean sell the 503CW and buy a 203FE? Otherwise you'd better find a top-notch machinist/repairman :) The 203FE is a focal plane shutter camera, whereas the 503CW has no shutter. There is no way to upgrade. If you trade for a 203FE, and undertake the update required to work with a CFV back, then auto-recognition of the E backs no longer works, IIRC. Perhaps an owner can chime in on how one sets the ISO then.
Oh I must have phrased it badly! Of course I mean selling the 503CW and looking for a 203FE, but this does need a minor factory adjustment to work correctly with the CFV. I'm just trying to work out how much the changeover will cost me.

Thanks for the link, the whole thread was of interest. I reckon it's going to cost me around GBP 1100-1200 in all, assuming I can part exchange my existing body. For this money I get: TTL exposure, 2000th sec, instant return mirror. Is it worth it? I dunno. I'll sleep on it for a week or so.
Do you mean sell the 503CW and buy a 203FE? Otherwise you'd better find a top-notch machinist/repairman :) The 203FE is a focal plane shutter camera, whereas the 503CW has no shutter. There is no way to upgrade. If you trade for a 203FE, and undertake the update required to work with a CFV back, then auto-recognition of the E backs no longer works, IIRC. Perhaps an owner can chime in on how one sets the ISO then.

I downloaded the 203FE manual and you manually set the ISO using Pr (Programming) mode, as you would when using standard, non E backs. The loss of the E back function would, I imagine, only be of concern if you were quickly swapping backs with different film ISO's.
Unless you also want to upgrade or change to FE lenses I would not bother to sell the 503CW and find a good used 203FE.

The only other reason I can think of is the use of auto exposurwith the 203FE.
Your existing lenses will work well with the 203 as far as they are of the CFE series.
With CF/CFi lenses you need stop down method to use the lightmeter in the 203FE.

I had also modified my 205TCC for CFV control; after the modification, I can use F and FE lenses with shutter speed higher than the flash sync speed. Although such modification, the e-back function is lost but it is worthwhile for benefit in using shutterless lenses or other vintage lenses with digital back.

You also gain a little label notifying repair and maintenance person bewaring of such modification in the camera.

205TCC digital modification.jpg


  • 205TCC digital modification.jpg
    205TCC digital modification.jpg
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Although such modification, the e-back function is lost but it is worthwhile for benefit in using shutterless lenses or other vintage lenses with digital back.
You also gain a little label notifying repair and maintenance person bewaring of such modification in the camera.
View attachment 1183

Yes , the e-back function is lost .
But i prefer to set the ISO for the meter at the camera anyway . So , I am not missing that function . But I can use all the wonderful FE lenses with the CFV .
View attachment 1185

Blue stripes all over the camera combo . Hahahaha:z04_photos:
Image taken with the CFV mounted on ARCA SWISS and ROTARY SLIDE ADAPTER . Lens was RODENSTOCK APO-MACRO-SIRONAR 5,6/120 .

I'm thinking that I might upgrade my 503CW to a 203FE. I'll be using it with a CFV back. Does anyone know currently how much the data connector upgrade costs and how long it takes? I'm in the UK.

It took 6 weeks for my 205FCC to have the upgrade done but I live in Bangkok so shipping was a week ot two longer than to the UK.

I've never used the film back since I switched to the CFV.

Take a look at the 205FCC as an option to the 203FE. The spot metering, combined with the inbuilt zone system metering is a very powerful way of getting precise exposure control.

The CFV and the 2xx cameras work well together, including good flash synchronisation.

Yes , the e-back function is lost .
But i prefer to set the ISO for the meter at the camera anyway . So , I am not missing that function . But I can use all the wonderful FE lenses with the CFV .
View attachment 1185

Blue stripes all over the camera combo . Hahahaha:z04_photos:
Image taken with the CFV mounted on ARCA SWISS and ROTARY SLIDE ADAPTER . Lens was RODENSTOCK APO-MACRO-SIRONAR 5,6/120 .


Hi Jürgen,

What model is that 45 degree prism viewfinder? It looks different from my 45 degree viewfinder on my 205FCC. Yours looks much taller.


You mentioned that you had your 205FCC upgrade. I am currently using a 205TCC along with 201F and 2000FCM as backup bodies. If I have the body upgraded does that mean I would lose the complete function of the TCC backs? I'm afraid to lose the Zone System function in the backs. Is this affected by the upgrade?

Hi Jürgen,
What model is that 45 degree prism viewfinder? It looks different from my 45 degree viewfinder on my 205FCC. Yours looks much taller.

It is the absolutely normal PME45 . Nothing modified or anything stupid done to it .
It must be either an optical distortion or the perspective I used when shooting .
It is the absolutely normal PME45 . Nothing modified or anything stupid done to it .
It must be either an optical distortion or the perspective I used when shooting .

It also looks taller than the ones I have seen. The two blue strips... the large gap. Were the later models made taller to avoid the Polaroid back or something?

You mentioned that you had your 205FCC upgrade. I am currently using a 205TCC along with 201F and 2000FCM as backup bodies. If I have the body upgraded does that mean I would lose the complete function of the TCC backs? I'm afraid to lose the Zone System function in the backs. Is this affected by the upgrade?


Hi Evan,

Sorry but I can not give you a 100% definitive answer. Since I received my CFV a couple of years ago, I have NOT used the film back. Haven't even bought any MF film and don't know if my processor is still in business. My film scanner is gathering dust.

However, I understand that the 205xCC modification does change the direction and content of the data flow between the back and the body. It is a wiring change.

In the original body / film back setup, the film back told the camera body what the ASA and zone system settings the dials on the film back were set at. This overode any default setting made with the Pr mode.

After the modification, the flow of data runs the other way and is not the same data. Now, the camera body tells the digital back when the shutter has been fired so it can run it's capture function. No ASA information is past from the back to the body. So, it is similar to using some older A series backs on the 205xCC cameras. The camera is not receiving any data from the back so it is using the ASA setting that is set in the camera by the Pr mode to do its exposure calculation. Even if you put an E series film back on the body, the camera will still know nothing about the settings on the back.

In practice, when using the CFV, this is not a problem and, in fact, can be quite helpful. By adjusting the Pr setting to a different ASA than the CFV back you can still use the zone system as you would before (e.g. light grass metered at zone 5), but get the 1 or 2 stops over-exposure that works better for digital photography. So, you don't need to remember a whole bunch of zone changes (e.g. light grass metered at zone 6 or 7).

Side Note: Of course, in any case, with the CFV, your whole approach to exposure changes. I use the spot/zone system to get close to the right setting, take a shot, and then look at the histogram to see how close I got. Then, if time permits, I'll adjust exposure and shoot another shot to get a better histogram. My old photo teacher will be turning over in his grave if he knew I was doing this, but when freed from the constraint of 12 shots per roll and with the instant histogram, it really is a better way of shooting.

For film photography, you will also need to use the Pr mode to change ASA settings and just ignore the dials on the back because the camera will be ignoring them too.

This is my understanding. Some of the more-knowledgable people on this forum may correct me if I'm wrong.

I think the only definite answer on this question has to come from Hasselblad AB in Sweden.

Do not be shy and ask their service department for the answer.
You will be surprised to know they have email. They are in the phonebook as well.
Besides Swedish, still a miracle for me although I speak several languages fluently, Hasselblad staff also speaks English and will be quite happy to give the answer.

Do not forget to post the outcome here!

Thank you for your reply. I guess that I'm going to have to call Hasselblad USA and ask for Dennis Greco. He is maybe one of few remaining in the US that can work on all the 2000 and 200 series bodies and lenses.

I would hate to render my 205TCC just for the digital capture that I'm no longer able to test out the Zone System on the 205TCC which help placed it on the top of the rung for uniqueness. Other option, would be to search out an Imacon digital back either as refurbished to use on my 503CW and my Contax 645. Thus this will allow my 205TCC to remain as original as possible.

For the record, I have (2) Scitex Eversmart scanner to sca all of my film based images. At least for now, I have a workable workflow to get me into the digital age...
You mentioned that you had your 205FCC upgrade. I am currently using a 205TCC along with 201F and 2000FCM as backup bodies. If I have the body upgraded does that mean I would lose the complete function of the TCC backs? I'm afraid to lose the Zone System function in the backs. Is this affected by the upgrade?


That topic was discussed in an earlier thread , which I can not find anymore .
I was trying hard but without success .
Yes , you will loose the complete ISO transfer function of the FE/TCC backs .
The camerabody sees the digital back and also the film back as set to ISO100 and that is transferred to the meter controls .
So if you want an other ISO setting , you must do that manually on the 203FE/205TCC,FCC meter controls .
I can remember that this was written somewhere .
The 203FE has no zone system controls , and therefore I had no trouble to decide for the modification .
The loss of the ISO setting transfer from the film back to the camera is very well compensated by the gained ability to use FE lenses with your CFV .

I spoke with Dennis Greco of HasselbladUSA today. What you said in your posting is absolutely correct. The Upgrade would render the Automatic ASA/ISO setting to a default of 100. Thus this would mean the ASA/ISO setting must be done manually. The conversion would not affect the Zone System Controls. That is good news to heard. Now all I need to do is to determine which digital back would work best for my 205TCC, 503DCW, and my Contax 645.


That topic was discussed in an earlier thread , which I can not find anymore .
I was trying hard but without success .
Yes , you will loose the complete ISO transfer function of the FE/TCC backs .
The camerabody sees the digital back and also the film back as set to ISO100 and that is transferred to the meter controls .
So if you want an other ISO setting , you must do that manually on the 203FE/205TCC,FCC meter controls .
I can remember that this was written somewhere .
The 203FE has no zone system controls , and therefore I had no trouble to decide for the modification .
The loss of the ISO setting transfer from the film back to the camera is very well compensated by the gained ability to use FE lenses with your CFV .

I spoke with Dennis Greco of HasselbladUSA today. What you said in your posting is absolutely correct. The Upgrade would render the Automatic ASA/ISO setting to a default of 100. Thus this would mean the ASA/ISO setting must be done manually. The conversion would not affect the Zone System Controls. That is good news to heard. Now all I need to do is to determine which digital back would work best for my 205TCC, 503DCW, and my Contax 645.

I think that the CFV is the only back for which the above-mentioned modification helps, and it will only fit Hasselblad V cameras. You will need a Phase, Leaf or Sinar back for use on these cameras. Probably the Sinar makes most sense here, since a Hasselblad cannot use Contax-mount backs and vice versa, to my knowledge. The Sinar uses user-changeable adapters.