What am I missing? I thought the 203FE and a CFE lens would pretty much be like a point and shoot. It is far from that, at least, in my experience. I have read the manual, and end up going to manual mode each time, and want to toss it for my 501CM.
Is there a place where I can go to get more indepth understanding of the functions of the 203FE? If I can understand the positioning of everything on lens, then I think I will be ok. But, the manual talks only of the older FE lens and some CF in the back. Why can't they update the manual? The new CFE barrels look different.
I have the manual for the CFE, but it doesn't talk about what it does in respect to the 203FE.
Can someone take the time to explain it to me?
I would forever be in your debt instead of owning a camera I could have bought a car with the money I spent on it!! LOL
Is there a place where I can go to get more indepth understanding of the functions of the 203FE? If I can understand the positioning of everything on lens, then I think I will be ok. But, the manual talks only of the older FE lens and some CF in the back. Why can't they update the manual? The new CFE barrels look different.
I have the manual for the CFE, but it doesn't talk about what it does in respect to the 203FE.
Can someone take the time to explain it to me?
I would forever be in your debt instead of owning a camera I could have bought a car with the money I spent on it!! LOL