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2000fa winding


New Member
My only experience has been with focal plane shutter Hasselblads with the various CFV digital backs. The electronic body 200/2000 cameras are still a bit of a mystery for me.
Unlike the 500's I've used, my 2000fa makes a distinct "click" noise at the very end of the winding rotation. Not a nice precision camera like click but more like something that is not engaging properly.

Would someone who owns a 200/2000 Series camera please tell me if they also experience such a noise or if the winding stroke is smooth all the way through? Thank you.
The 2000 series is a noisy beast. I think it is to do with the metal shutter curtains. I have the 2000FCW and it is noisy, but regular. Winding is smooth but not silent. There is a distinct click as the wind finishes. Just a click. I assume all is normal as mine is in 'as new' condition. Hardly used. Kept only as a backup body for my 203FE.
The 2000 series is a noisy beast. I think it is to do with the metal shutter curtains. I have the 2000FCW and it is noisy, but regular. Winding is smooth but not silent. There is a distinct click as the wind finishes. Just a click. I assume all is normal as mine is in 'as new' condition. Hardly used. Kept only as a backup body for my 203FE.
Thanx for the extra info.
However, I'm now sniffing around for a 203fe :)
The 203FE is a brilliant choice. I have been using one for 20+ years. I strongly recommend the use of the dedicated 45Deg prism with it. It speeds up the use of the camera, and switched the image right way round. Caution: Only the dedicated prism will fit because of the tiny exposure display above the ground glass screen. ie. it has a small cutout to accommodate the display prism.
I use the camera with the same 45º prism finder. It is the best piece for me. You have to get the Finder with Red line ( Which is the indicator for FE series . All the F or Fe lenses / fonfiders / meter drives etc is indicated as dedicated parts )
I use the camera with the same 45º prism finder. It is the best piece for me. You have to get the Finder with Red line ( Which is the indicator for FE series . All the F or Fe lenses / finders / moter drives etc is indicated as dedicated parts )
Sorry I edit . Yes it is the blue ( double ) line.
Good to know I'm not the only one who has stuff like that happen when they sit down to a keyboard :)
My 7 year old granddaughter types better than I do :)