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150 or 180 for portraits

Great idea Bojan!
The picture posted on june 16 is a picture witch drive me crazy with autofocus. You have to center first on the eye and then to compose. If you use tripod to fixe then you can't use the AF any more.
In such case I have the 5x viewfinder then I can chose witch eye is sharper.
New to Hassie. Just bought the Kit. 503cwd, 80 cfe and 40 cfe. (aniversery Bundle)

Great posts on most suitable lenses. But when you add in the 1.5 crop factor things change.

I shoot portrait, Body , and street. So hoped that the kit lenses would be fine. As they bcome 60 and 120 respectivley.

Going to buy couple of other lenses considering the 120 and the 180 + x2 mutar.

Comments appreciated.

Hoping to make th Hassie my primeary system. Even if I do buy the D3.

Want to put some discipline back into my photography, by slowing it up with the 503 and love the zeiss lenses, going to use them on the nike as well.

Peter (england)

Congratulations on a wise purchase! I really like the 180 CFE and the 2X. If you added a film back to your system you would have a wide choice of angle of views and a lot of possibilities. Certainly what you have will also do the job.

Is this your first experience with Zeiss glass?

Have fun!

Hi Gilbert. New to the site and to Zeiss glass. Hope to be able to use on my Nikon as well.

As will still have to use my nikon or New Nikon (not D3 as I think that there is another one to come in next 6 months).
Reason being I do a lot of low light work in situ, I shoot a lot of Jazz, Ballet and opera.

The hassie is for going back to the 'Art' of photography which I have missed. and at 60... well need to slow down.

Great site everyone. Many thanks