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120 Makro f4 dilema

How much rebate at three in the morning?
"Rebate at 3 in the morning":

Maybe you can get a higher rebate if you pay in Nigerian currency?



You will go on liking it a lot too.

(By the way (just to remove any earlier suggestion):
Both 150 mm Sonnar and 120 mm Makro-Planar stop down to f/32.
The earlier C-lens stopped down further, but that was due to the shuter it was mounted in, and had nothing to do with the nature of the lens.)
Yep, got the 150 /4 as well (an older Sonnar).

What I need (need!! yeah right, ask my SO) are a 40mm and 250mm. Out of the two, the 40mm is most needed for landscapes. The 250 is more of a luxury for very tight portraits, but the 150 will suffice most of the time.

Tested the 120 /4 Makro.

Scanned first few frames.

Awesome clean detail.

Now about the "anti-Newton ring" FH869G glass holder from Nikon... why all the Newton rings?