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  • bladdered
    bladdered replied to the thread Hasselblad Flexbody.
    Further, Is the rise and fall movement very limited because of the image circle. Can the movements be rotated to enable shift and swing ?
  • bladdered
    bladdered replied to the thread Hasselblad Flexbody.
    Deon, is it still your all-time favourite camera ? I'm almost ready to purchase one without the cable and RMfx, but I have one of those...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to Deon's post in the thread Death Valley National Park, California with Like Like.
    Here is one more image from Ubehebe Crater created with a Hasselblad SWC/M. We haven't been back to Death Valley in several years, I...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to Deon's post in the thread Scanning, scanning and more scanning... with Like Like.
    I'm pretty much obsessed with getting this project behind me, so I can get back to more fun photographic art projects. Most days I'm at...
  • bladdered
    Love the image. Do you have a daily time slot or a day a week when you just set time aside and don't get distracted to do just the...
  • bladdered
    bladdered replied to the thread Promptly process your film!.
    Thanks for that info, Deon. I had no idea that not developing in a reasonable time could ruin the film. Not that I would ever leave a...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to Deon's post in the thread Promptly process your film! with Like Like.
    I totally understand you should process your film as soon as possible after exposure. But, Trish and I were embarking on a multi month...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to photoeil's post in the thread Hasselblad Flexbody with Like Like.
    I think that the Schneider lenses are much closer to the Zeiss's image presentation, but that's a more personal impression. Here you...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to Deon's post in the thread Hasselblad Flexbody with Like Like.
    Very nice! I've lusted after those Silvetri cameras, so nice to have glass that can cover what the camera can do. Back in the day I...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to photoeil's post in the thread Hasselblad Flexbody with Like Like.
    I have the Flexbody for years now (1996), used it (professionally) mostly for close-up with the S-Planar 120mm which allowed enough...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to Deon's post in the thread Hasselblad Flexbody with Like Like.
    For anyone interested in purchasing a Hasselblad Arc or flex body camera, you should bone up on what came with the camera when new. Most...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to Deon's post in the thread Hasselblad Flexbody with Like Like.
    That image was the Rodenstock 45mm f=4.5. I also owned the 35mm f=4.5 Rodenstock lens. The 45mm lens was rock and roll, 35mm not so much...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to Deon's post in the thread Hasselblad Flexbody with Like Like.
    My all time favorite camera, is the Hasselblad FlexbBody. Having spent much of my early years in commercial photography assisting...
  • bladdered
    bladdered reacted to jotloob's post in the thread Hasselblad Flexbody with Like Like.
    @Deon Sorry , there was a misunderstanding from my side . I thought the images were all taken with the FLEXBODY . But it looks as if...
  • bladdered
    bladdered replied to the thread Sheepherders & Buckaroos.
    I like your images and would love the opportunity to shoot a branding, or rodeo. The 60mm looks to be a great lens, but I surround it...