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Zeiss "Biogon serial #

Nr 4511434 makes it a 1968 "C" series Biogon lens.

All Super Wides offer exceptional image quality, from the early cameras made in the fifties to the last 905SWC sold 50 years later.

The first pictures I took of the house I was about to buy amazed both the owner and his agent.
These pictures were taken with a Super Wide camera.
The owner said he had never seen images of his house with this quality.

It is not my genious but the exceptional marriage of a great Carl Zeiss lens with the camera that was designed for it by Hasselblad.

SW BF version.jpg

" A thing of beauty is a joy forever. "
Picture taken by Juergen Loob, owner of this gem.


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    SW BF version.jpg
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