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X2D Studio Portrait Focusing?


New Member
Hello, hoping someone can help?? I'm new to studio photography and had a bit of an embarrassing issue earlier today with a model.

Set up lighting and background etc in the windowless studio using a two light setup with craft lights switched on. I then set my camera (X2D) to ISO64, 1/180, f/8 but was unable to focus due to no light hitting the camera's sensor. In the end I had to compromise my preferred settings just so that the camera could lock-on to subject and focus. What did I do wrong?

I have another studio session booked very soon and would not like to be in the same position again, I'd be incredibly grateful if somebody could please point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance, Simon...
What lens were you using and was it stopped down or wide open? Also what happened, was it hunting back and forth? Dumb question, but was the autofocus on? Sometimes I use older V lenses or I want manual focus and turn off the autofocus?

I would set things up with a still life instead of a model and figure out the problem. Use a light meter and see just how much light is hitting the subject to focus with. There are limits, but if the lens is stopped down, it’s worse!

Since you are using f/8, you could also focus manually with all the lights on, on a spot where the model will be (pre focus), then turn the lights off and just shoot.

Just thoughts, I’m a landscape guy so take it with a grain of salt!