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Wich laptop for windows?


New Member
My recent laptop does not work so well with hasselblad H3DII-39 (firewireproblem plus weak graphic card)

Can anyone recommend a laptop that works really well with tethered shooting
only windows system please.

My recent laptop does not work so well with hasselblad H3DII-39 (firewireproblem plus weak graphic card)

Can anyone recommend a laptop that works really well with tethered shooting
only windows system please.


Depends on your budget, but for me there is only really one machine - the Sony AW with 18.4" Adobe (triple LED) screen. The gamut is the widest I have seen on any display, super fast graphics & tonnes of storage. Phenomenal. Its not cheap - but 2nd hand ones go for a big discount. Still my preferred tool when traveling, and swapped the second drive with an SSD as a scratch disk. My only issue with it is battery life (1 hour) - but only on the rare occasion I don't have power.