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Which flash for H3D2 ?


I have a H3D2 and just bought the SCA 3902 (awaiting shipping to arrive with a couple of lenses as well :)

My question is :

Would I be able to use my old but still working Metz CT5-45 in this setup ?

and secondly - if not - which flash do you recommend for the H3D2 (don´t have the money right now for a Hasselblad flash system)

Maybe I will opt for a Elinchrome Ranger system instead of and gain some weight, eventhough my future wife, comments I should do the exact opposite :)

Hope to read some good advice guys

Thank you
Claus Stensgaard
Hello Claus,

The Metz 45 CT5 belongs to the 500 series of Metz and does not work with adapters from the 3000 series like the one you ordered.
Besides that the control of the CT5 uses a higher voltage unsuitable for modern cameras.
Chances are it will destroy the electronic circuit of the camera or lens .

The 40 year old Metz CT5 needs to be replaced.

Smaller units like Ralf advised are suitable or a Metz 45 CL4 from the later series will be a good replacement.

This might be helpful when it comes to sync voltages.

No idea what a H series can handle, maybe the instruction manual has that listed?

wein safe sync

I would follow the advise given in prior posts but if you really wished to use your old workhorse you can still safely do it by using a Wein Safe Sync device that brings voltage entering the camera via Hotshoe to a safe 6v regardless of original flash voltage!

I use a Metz 54MZ-4 with the SCA-3902 on my H3DII, it really does work like a charm. Lots of features and if you use a 50-110 the zoom head will match the focal length as you zoom in or out. If you don't find one in your local store, try e-bay--there are some for bid all the time.

Good luck!