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Where to buy used H3D-II in NYC??


New Member
I am looking for a used H3D-II to buy in NYC. Anyone having any ideas of good shops or internet sites where I can find used Hasselblad-systems??

Thanks for your help!

The best place to look for a used camera is of course the classified section of this forum.

If what you are looking for is not there you can put in a wanted ad.
Free of charge!
Thanks, of course will I put in an add here! Any other tips of good pro photo shops in NYC?
I also have another question aswell - have is it with taxes in USA? How much is it on used gear? Is it possible to get the money back at the bordercontrol / customs as a foreigner?

Is there any difference with the cameras bought in USA compared to other countries?

Longtime relationship...I like that! The ironic is that I live 4000 meters from the Hasselblad headquater in Sweden.
Thansl, I will check it out! I meant the taxes in Usa. Like in South Africa it's 14% taxes and you can get those money on the custums at the airport when you leaving the country. Is it the same in Usa?
Hello Mr. P--

Look in the Classifieds in this Forum or pull up the Thread: FS:H3D-39 Camera and Hasselblad Lenses and you will find another member wishing to sell such a kit.

Good Luck,

Be aware that Hasselblad warranties are not transferable. You can send in the camera for inspection for a fee, and then purchase an extended warranty under your name.

If this coverage is important to you, contact your Hasslblad representative and see if there is a Certified Reconditioned kit available. Unlike buying privately used, they come with a Factory warranty ... usually 6 months, but sometimes a year. You can also purchase an extended warranty at that time.

However, if you know the seller and the camera works it'll probably be fine. Just ask for a day or two to test it all to be sure.
