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Where to buy Lenses


I have decided to buy HC 100 + HC 150

do you have any good experienses with dealers from Germany or Great Britain.

Please advice me where to go

HC 100
HC 150
HC 1.7 teleconverter

+ a couple of extra batteries, a couple of UV filters and Polarizers and a handstrap.....

Set me back a few quid ;-)

Yummy - Hope these will perform well

Congrats, the 100 is a real out performer, you will enjoy it.
The 1.7 converter is on my list as well followed by the 210,
hope you didn't buy it away from the dealer i was referring to :D
Have fun with those new toys,
Hi Ralf

I went for Foto-Partner Proshop in Germany, and asked for Mr. Lindner as you told me. But it was another guy that replied on my request.

I expect second-to-none performers in these lenses - and look forward to be able to solve more advanced photo assignments than the 28 and 80 would let me.

Now I don´t know if I should let the 80 go, or just keep it as a lower focallength until I get at 50mm.

Untill then I will use my 1Ds2 with a 35/1.4 for these assignments where 35 mm is desired.

However i always like the 60 mm distagon over the 50 mm distagon - is there any chance Hasselblad would make a HC 60 ?

Hi Claus,

I started with the same combo (28 + 80), then got the 100 for xmas 2009.

I don't believe we can expect a HC 60, too close to the 50 and then
there is the HCD 35-90 which seems really good (don't own it though
but consider it). And then, the HC 50 on a H3D-39/50 is a 55mm lens and
on the H3D-31 its a 65mm lens, very close to 60.

I will not let go the 80, it's a good quality lens and you probably don't make
a lot of money out of it.

Anyway, all personal considerations, just my thoughts.

Point taken.

I have been offered a HC 50-110 at a reasonable price (2500 Euro) - though i haven´t seen it yet, it´s stated as an A+ condition.

Currently i have these

HCD 28
HC 80
HC 100
HC 150
+ Teleconverter 1.7

I believe the HC 50-110 would fit nicely in the gap.....

But would you recommend it - I know it´s a heavy lens, but would it be better to buy the HC 50 (I´m thinking "feel", sharpnes, bokeh)

I think the HC 50-110 would be perfect for allround wedding lens

What do you think ?
I have used the HC 50-110mm zoom lens for a wedding and it worked like a charm. All my needs were covered with this single lens.