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Wheel of fortune

If you go to the Herald Sun paper link in that post, it says there that:

"The camera was one of about 25 prototypes made in 1923, two years before the celebrated German brand went into commercial production. It had been valued ahead of the auction at about one quarter of what it eventually went for."

I think being a pre-production one is what would have driven the price up amongst collectors. But I'll be keeping my eyes open round the flea markets LOL!

I could have the kit of my dreams with that sort of money. . . .
I'll be keeping my eyes open round the flea markets LOL!

I could have the kit of my dreams with that sort of money. . . .

Hello Odille,

Just tell me what fleamarkets you visit regularly.
I am pretty good with machining and sheet metal work.
Could do you a replica that will make all the "experts" wonder how many of these mickey mouse cameras have survived.

It is not my intention to hurt the feelings of "L" afficionados but a negative the size of a stamp does not do it for me.
The cheapest Rolleicord beats L cameras by a mile, simply because of the size of the negative.
