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Vintage 1000f gear user from France


New Member

I'm new on this forum. I do like to use old gear -Exakta, Leica, Contax II mainly-, even if I like digital; I scan my negatives and use an M8 . Last year I bought a Salyut from the 60s, along with a 135mm Sonnar to try the Hasselblad 1000f feeling. It is quite hard to find a 1000f in proper working condition, I was not sure to enjoy it so I tried the cheaper Ukrainian way first...

I really liked it, and I picked up two days ago a full range of Zeiss lenses (60, Opton 80, 135, 250 5.6) AND a 135 Ektar, bundled with a Salyut C for a not too unreasonable price :z04_weihnachten018:. I'm waiting for the mail... I hope it will turn out OK. If this is the case I will probably have a 135 Zeiss to trade in the future.

I thought about signing up here, as it is quite hard to find any info about 1600/1000f gear on the Net. Is the FUC still active ?

Here is one of my first try with it (the Sonnar 135 gives a lot of details):


  • sonnar.jpeg
    120.3 KB · Views: 13
the FUC is so active taking photos that its members do not post very often. I hope your purchase turns out well, the gear looked very good on the photos provided.

BTW, it is not really "the full range of Zeiss lenses", the 4,0/250 is still missing ;-) but I guess you know that.

I have never seen a 1000F that worked right from the auction side. These camera always need a CLA if they have not been exercised for a while or been treated by less knowledgeable repairmen. But all in all they are tough little cameras.

Mon premier Blad était un 1000F avec rideau bloqué. J'ai mis 3 jours pour le réparer (tout démonté). Ensuite ça allait mais parfois les vitesses faisait ce qu'elles voulaient. Et le déclencheur aussi. Un jour le sac est tombé de 30cm et ça a suffi pour que le verre de visée se brise et aille dans la mécanisme. Depuis il est sur la vitrine et c'est dommage.
My first Hasselblad was the 1000F. I got it damaged and need 3 days to rapair it. But speed were never regular and othen details were wrong too. One bac the bag fall down…and …now the body is for decoration !
ulrik: Happy to know that the FUC is busy taking pictures! Those old cameras do take nice photos...

Yes, I know it is not the "full range": I thought the 250 f4 was a collector's item only. But the Ektars are also quite rare, and I here I am waiting for one... So perhaps in the future, who knows. :)

blowupster: Sorry to hear that your 1000f is now a mantelpiece... :( If you need it, I know a repairman in France who could look into it (no guarantee).
[Désolé d'apprendre que votre 1000f est hors service... Si vous voulez, je connais un réparateur français qui y pourrait peut être quelque chose (sans garantie cepandant) ]