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The magic of the right chemistry..


Active Member
Today I had some spare time in which I decided to develop the 2x 120 and 1x 135 (Xpan) B/W films I shot in Scotland.

After seeing the films drying in my bathroom (old trick: very little dust there!) I could not help get philosophical about the magic of film and the wet darkroom increasingly being lost on the digiheads out there.

Lets face it: where is the suspense of anxiously awaiting the result from the developing tank? Where is the magic of seeing the image 'grow' on the paper in your developing tray?

I can see the point of digital, I am not a Luddite (h*ck, I am a computer engineer so...). But click-click-monkey LCD-click-click.. is that what it is all about? Or worse still, wave your bloody cellphone at the landscape and immediately leave?

