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The Follies of St Anne's


St Anne's Park near Dublin was the ancestral home of some members of the Guinness family, beginning with Benjamin Lee Guinness in 1835. The house was left to Sir Arthur Edward Guinness (Lord Ardilaun) who inherited it in 1868 but who died childless whereupon the estate passed on to his nephew Bishop Plunkett in the 1920's. In 1937 he could no longer maintain the house and negotiated the sale of lands and house to the Dublin Corporation for just £55,000.

The park has a number of features, from the small Naniken River to the Duck Pond, a number of follies, a walled garden, and grand avenue, all built by the Guinness family, and from more modern times, a rockery, a famous Rose Garden and newer miniature rose garden, and Dublin's city arboretum, with 1,000 varied trees.

A fire completely destroyed the main house in December 1943 and the ruins were demolished on grounds of safety in 1968.

The follies are still intact but only just...they are however quite interesting despite the graffiti and decay. I particularly like the Herculean Temple beside the Duck Pond seen here in picture 1.

Some snow was lying on the ground the day I visited.

Hasselblad with 75mm zone plate (a type of pinhole which softens images)
Fuji 400 asa rated at 320 asa

Pic 1 The Herculean Temple


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