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Tethering issues (H3DII-50 to an iMac)

Hi all,

First and foremost: the camera is owned by my employers. We recently made the upgrade from a Nikon D1X and its stupidly easy software to the lovely (but discontinued) H3DII-50 and stupidly unhelpful when you actually have trouble Phocus (okay, maybe the software is better than I'm giving it credit for right now, but flipping through the pretty but UNHELPFUL manuals turned my mood from annoyed to on the verge of tears). I'm not inexperienced with computers, and I've scrolled through the manuals and there seems to be NOTHING on this kind of subject.

Here's the situation: the camera is tethered to an iMac, running the snow leopard OS, using a 9 pin firewire cable. It was working beautifully and perfectly until the last photo I had to take.

Phocus stopped responding (I was exporting images at the same time), and I had to force quit and restart the computer. After restarting, instead of where the camera name should be, it said "No Device Connected."

The firewire cable is still intact, and I have tried the following:

- turning the camera on and off
- recharging the batteries
- unplugging the firewire cable
- turning off the camera, quitting phocus, turning off the computer, turning it back on, starting phocus, turning the camera on
- turning the computer off, turning the camera off, turning it back on and turning the computer on.

Nothing seems to work, and I have this one last photo to take for the start of one of my projects for the year.

Has anyone encounter this issue before? Thanks in advance!!
You should try resetting the Firewire port. Shut down the computer. Unplug all cables from it. Wait 5 minutes. Cable everything back up and boot.
It sounds like some core program setting got "hung" when you had to Force Quit. I've had similar issues that were only resolved by uninstalling/reinstalling the program.

Thus, I would try is totally reinstalling Phocus. It's a comparatively small program and, on a Mac, is so easy to uninstall that it's really too easy not to try.

Hopefully you still have your install file downloaded from Hasselblad. If not, you'll need to download it again.

Good luck! I hope you get your issue resolved soon as I can see how this would be very frustrating.
Hasselblad strongly believes in verbal communication.
The company started out that way training their repair men.

It also applies to instructions and fault finding in software.
This means it pays to grow a lasting relationship with any of the knowledgeable technicians from Hasselblad.

HBUSA has Paul Claesson who also logs in here from time to time.
In the meantime you could try the suggestions that were posted.