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Street Portraits in China Town, NYC


New Member
Good morning,

First, I'm a very recent user of Hasselblad.
I used to do street photography with a Leica M or even with a Canon DSLR. (I still use both)
Mid of last year, I bought a 503CWD Hasselblad.
I started to use it in the street of New York, Buenos Aires and Paris.

Here is a very recent serie I just started in China Town about people playing cards and chinese chess.

You can enjoy much more photos on my FlickR page:

Nice! In some places I have found that a serious camera is a bit of an opener, too many DLSRs around now. If people think you are something besides a nosey armature they are much more tolerant. In China in particular, even Hong Kong, people will usually say thank you after photographing them. Have made a number of friends this way, will often try to email them a photo or two if I can.

Cheers. T
Thanks a lot for your answer Fliger.
I totally agree with you. A serious camera can sometimes help a lot to create the contact. And nowadays, the Hasselblad V Serie seems to come from a different century.
A very good reason to open a discussion or for the people to look at it with a smile and a kind of nostalgia.
Here under a some new photos from this serie:

Your point about using a Hasselblad instead of a DSLR (the camera almost everybody else will have around their necks) is well stated. Subjects take you seriously, and it is clear--even to the casual observer--that you are totally committed to your photography. That is even more evident when you shoot with your 500mm lens in a national park. Great conversation starter.
Or... you could say that it advances the film. When the astute observer sees your digital back the humor will become clear, and smiles will be passed back and forth.