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Sisters on pier at sunset


New Member
Taken 10 years ago, but recently neg scanned and post production in PSCS4.
People tell me it is very timeless and it could have been taken 50 years ago or last week. So I thought I would share this with the Hasselblad community.

Hasselblad 503CX 150mm
Kodak T400CN
Flextight neg scanner
Burn & dodge - vignetting & toning in PS CS4


  • 3980 36 FLICKR.jpg
    3980 36 FLICKR.jpg
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  • 3980 36 FLICKR.jpg
    3980 36 FLICKR.jpg
    105.3 KB · Views: 43

I agree, a wonderful timeless photo. The distribution of the motives is very well organised (I hope you know what I mean, where every object is placed in the picture).
Is the vignetting a result of the post production? It fits perfectly.

Cheers and thanks for sharing!
Mike aka Michi