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Shutter broken problem on HC zoom


New Member
Bad experience with HC 50-110 zoom : 4 (yes four !) broken shutter last 2 years with 2 zoom, none could reach 15.000 shoot. Need to buy a third zoom only for spare use when other in overhaul.... work done sometimes under warranty but after 12 month : 1500 € bill each time : expensive game. No serious technical explanation received from Hasselblad. Did someone have the same problems or know about ?
>[Do you mean at 15,000 actuations the shutter breaks down? That >seems way too low. I have actually been curious what the average >Hassy HC lens shutter life is supposed to be. ]
Yes 15.000 actuations, like you say its very low, the hassy waranty is 12 month or 100.000 actuations (the one who come first is the limit). the first we broke has 2 month since new and around 5.000 actuations the two last 14.500 and 13.039 ...
That is the most bizzare thing I have ever heard!
It would be laughable were it not so outrageous.

In all my 53 years of photography, I have never heard of a manufacturer placing warranty limits on shutter actuations. Do these ridiculous terms also apply to the V series?

When you consider that each lens has it's own shutter, wear is less than in a focal plane shuttered camera where regardless of the lens used the same shutter has to keep on firing.No warranty limits there.

Does the fact that the camera records the number of actuations, place more stress/wear on the components? I wouldn't think so.

Can you imagine if car manufacturers placed limits on the number of times one could activate the doors without voiding the warranty?
(3 years, 60,000km, or 150,000 door open and closings)

I think it's time for you to consider buying extended warranties on those lenses, or changing your allegiance.
>[I do believe the case presented by the original poster is valid >based on the small number of shutter actuations. However, I think >the issue is that the shutter count is more like how many miles you >have driven your vehicle and in those cases yes there is a limit. >Also for a vehicle if you have a problem with the car locking >mechanism after the period of the warrant 1 or 3 years, it will not >be covered. THe problem here is that he was well below the limit and >just over the time frame, which is like your transmission falling >apart a week or so after the time limit on the warranty ]
i think they put the limitation of number of shutter actuation in the warranty only on the H serie because whith numerical all people do a lot of more shoots as before with film. Every HC lens has a build in memory that record the number of actuations thats wy we know exactly how many pictures we take before the shutter broke.

The warranty extension extend only the time (12 month more) but never the number of shutter actuation.
I had never think about paying an extended warranty for a lens because i see the price for the body : for 12 month more is was nearly 80% of the value of a new body : dreamers !
I was really thinking of a Third Party Warranty (e.g.Mack).
Are you saying that this absurd limitation was also present when the H1 (film only)but same lenses, was current?
third party warranty is not usual in Europe , the limitation of 100.000 is what i know, for all H lens, there is no difference if you use it on film or digital.
think they put the limitation of number of shutter actuation in the warranty only on the H serie because whith numerical all people do a lot of more shoots as before with film. Every HC lens has a build in memory that record the number of actuations thats wy we know exactly how many pictures we take before the shutter broke. >

I am sure there are a large number of V lenses that have and will continue to surpass the expectations of the current H lens shutters. Many 50+ years old.

A chip that records how many times you used your lens.

I wonder if Rollei, Mimiya does that too.


"The word "Jap-crap" would come into mind if one wasn't totally PC.

But didn't it?

The shutters were invented, and are manufactured and assembled in Sweden.
100% Swedish.
Careful with that 'Jap-crap' there. The problems with the HC lenses are ridiculous of course. But I have plenty of 'Jap-crap' that just works and is > 40 years old. And runs without any maintainance. Try that with glorious CZ or Hasselblad, they need to return to the CLA-guy like clockwork. The best part of the German camera industry was wiped out by Jap-crap because the German folks thought the same silly Jap-crap thoughts.

Total BS therefore..

Careful indeed!
But with the words (and the thought) rather than the hardware.

(By the way, Wilko, i don't know what you do to your Hasselblads, but they will work for donkey's years, without service, too. No problem.
And, conversely, i have Japanese made equipment that keeps breaking down.
It isn't as simple as that.

And Hasselblad, of course, is not, nor have they ever been, part of the German camera industry.)
CLAs have little to do with what I do or do not do with my Hasselblads. To satisfy that curiosity: I typically p&er them. It would be a shame not to in my opinion.

That said:

As anyone who has had a shutter 'go slow' or a diafragm go sticky (due to grease from the helicoid migrating) or a helicoid go stiff (due to the grease deteriorating) knows the basic design along with the materials used determine the robustness / maintenance-freeness of a lens.

Zeiss along with Deckel are very much part of the German industry. As you know we were discussing lenses / lens-based shutters right?

Yes, lens shutters. But the ones that were discussed "were invented, and are manufactured and assembled in Sweden.
100% Swedish."


But that aside: another aside, prompted by this Japan, Germany, etc. business: the worst thing you can do to a V-System Hasselblad is not use it (enough).
If you do use it enough, nothing much will happen to it. You need to replace magazine seals regularly, and sometimes 'camera foam' too. A sticky diaphragm may indeed also happen. Relube? If kept in hot car boots much, maybe.
But to have things break is rare, even after 40 - 50 years without any service (though nothing is perfect, so...).

What happened to Jean-Luc's (not Japanese, not German - Swedish) lens shutters is bad.
And particularly bad, because it happens to stuff sold by a company that prides itself of being the one that delivers the best you can get anywhere.
Maybe not anymore?

But the question (hence the post) is whether this is a freak occurance (though it repeated for Jean-Luc) or 'normal'.
I don't know. But i'm certainly interested to learn!
Well, indeed, given Hasselblad's reputation as the producer to high-end pro cameras this phenomenon is quite disturbing. Especially given that it has occured multiple times. So it would serve Hasselblad well if they came up with a proper explanation, a fix and no bill ;-)
