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Sensor IR filter repair DIY


New Member

IR-filter has several blemishes.
How can I repair without costly service?
maybe remove it and use on lens iR cut filter
or, polish it ?
Don't even try it! Not user serviceable. Many close tolerances that must be maintained. You can't do it yourself. Send to Hasselblad. I think they get $400-500 to clean them.

General warning to DIY specialists

Hasselblad cameras and lenses are fine pieces of equipment that deserve to be serviced by trained technicians.
They should not be confused with bicycles that allow DIY repairs.

Just had a 503CW body returned to me by my technician.
Repair was extra costly because some DIY optimist tried to service the camera.
Dear friends

Hasselblad partners are too far from my home country

Nearest turkish hasselblads partners price was 1000euro .
its too expensive for me
I try to contact directly Hasselblads support

BUt, how can i send digital back without security plastic cover?
I try to contact directly Hasselblads support

BUt, how can i send digital back without security plastic cover?

I'd suggest you ask HB for a cover as part of the quote. They will sure appreciate the need for that, I am sure.
